Quick Tips to help take control of your personal life.

REAL Home Economics from a frugal, practical, fiscally savvy working mom.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Make headlines!

Do you get a lot of emails? 
Do you want the ones you send to get read promptly?

Make the Email subject line read like a news headline.

    If you simply read the headlines of a newspaper or the "Latest News" on CNN.com; you've learned something without reading further.

    The Email subject/headline should be compelling and include a key word while giving a little information too.

    For example, looking at my home email I have several emails related to a school event I'm volunteering at this weekend.  They all say only "Art-In" as the subject and are mostly from the same person.  Now, I need to open 8 emails on different topics to find the one I'm looking for.

    Examples of using headlines would be:
    - Volunteers needed for Art-In Sat 2/6 - Can you help?
    - Art-In: Bring you kids for affordable fun Sat 2/6 11-3
    - Art-In: Pre-order your craft tickets & save time in line this Sat
    - Art-In: Cash box requirements
    (I'm the cashier on Saturday so I hope people pre-ordered!)
    • Remember, don't forward an old email about a new topic without changing the subject line!
    These tips came from a Mass Society of CPA course taught by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts.

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